Tag: Destination

Traditional British Clothing

Traditional English Clothing

England stands apart from Wales and Scotland because it doesn’t have an official national dress. British heritage and business innovation shine through its traditional clothing. The story starts with Barbour jacket’s creation in 1894 and extends to Burberry’s military-inspired trench…

Traditional Spanish Clothing

Traditional Spanish Clothing

Spanish clothing dominated 16th-century Western European fashion. Royal courts and city streets embraced distinctive garments like capes and farthingales. These style statements spread throughout the continent and demonstrated Spain’s powerful influence on global fashion. Spain’s traditional clothing draws from a…

drinking age in argentina

Drinking Age in Argentina

Argentina sets its drinking age at 18, but a staggering 77% of teenagers drink alcohol before they turn 14. Only 14 countries across the globe maintain a legal drinking age of 21. Argentina’s laid-back attitude toward alcohol creates a unique…

driving age in spain

Driving Age in Spain

Spain will let 16-year-olds drive certain vehicles in 2024. This radical alteration from the current minimum age of 18 opens new possibilities for teenagers. The new B-1 driving license allows teens to operate electric vehicles that cannot exceed 90 km/h…

can you drive at 14 in california

Can You Drive at 14 in California

Most people think California drivers must be 16 to start driving. The answer to “can you drive at 14 in California” might surprise you. California allows 14-year-olds to get a Junior Permit when their families face hardships like illness or…

driving age in mexico

Driving Age in Mexico

Mexican law requires drivers to be 18 years old before getting behind the wheel. This age requirement matches more than 120 countries worldwide, though teens in some parts of North America can start driving at 14. The country’s strict age…